Coming from React, Svelte Feels Like A THERAPY


2 min read

Hey everyone, I am new here.

Coming from a background of using React, Svelte feels like therapy. The ease of use, simplicity, and speed of development are some of the reasons why I made the switch.

I started to feel the weight of the overhead that came with using React. The constant problems of re-rendering of components, the buggy nature of virtual DOM, the burden of state management tools, and the overall size of the library all started to weigh me down.

It was during this time that I stumbled upon an article on Medium that spoke highly of Svelte. Intrigued, I decided to give it a try and I was blown away by the results.

Svelte takes care of all the performance optimization under the hood, so I don't have to worry about it. The syntax is simple and straightforward, making it easy to pick up and understand.

What sets Svelte apart from React is its approach to component state management. In React, state management is handled through props and state. This can quickly become complex and confusing, especially when dealing with multiple components. With Svelte, all component state is managed locally, without the need for any external libraries. This makes the code much cleaner and easier to manage.

Another thing I love about Svelte is its size. The library is incredibly small, coming in at only 4.7KB. This means that my projects load much faster and are much more performant.

In conclusion, if you're a React developer feeling the weight of the overhead that comes with it, I highly recommend giving Svelte a try.

It's a breath of fresh air that will make your development experience faster, simpler, and more enjoyable. Now, whenever I think about React, it feels like an overhead and I can't imagine going back. Svelte has become my therapy, and I highly recommend it to any developer looking for a change.

Is there anyone who feels the same way.

I started wondering why React in first place?

Why not something else.

Just because everyone is doing it?

Why join the herd?

In everyway svelte feels better. Speed, productivity, happiness.

What is stopping people and companies to switch to svelte and svelteKIT now that vercel is backing it?

Would you still use react if were a indie developer?

Yeah, this is more like starting a discussion. I am new to the platform.

Let me know your thoughts.

Article that inspired me to make the switch: